Since there's been so much rosette making going on lately (ie: my Felted Rosette Frame workshop last weekend!), I thought I'd talk about a...
matte vs. glossy
Oh, Hello! Yes, I am here, back home, back in my little nest. I returned Sunday from Silver Bella in Omaha, my last trip of 2010. I can't...
funky chunky
My obsession continues with Big Fat Yarn. I've been collecting images of things made giant "yarn" for awhile now. I love how the ordinary...
summer jams!
Over the weekend I had a little time for what I call "recreational" sewing, meaning sewing for the family, not for work! Yippee! Sewing...
goodies (albeit oldies)
With just over a week until Easter, I thought I would revive a few ideas from the past. Hopefully this will remind regular readers and...
more color
I'm playing with cashmere today. I dumped out my cashmere scrap bin that I've been contributing to for the last few years. After making...
New! Now with less *fling*
I've been mulling over some kind of New Years post for a few days now. Part of me wants to just blurt out any dream or aspiration that I...
Holiday Hints: Last Minute Ideas!
Ok, time to pull out all of the stops! As we embark on the week of Christmas itself, I bring you my last edition of Holiday Hints for...
Blog Years
Are blog years something like dog years? My blog is 3 years that like a toddler or a 21 dog-year old dog? My 3 year blogiversary...
have a heart
Everything's turning up hearts, have you noticed? Valentine's Day is just 2 weeks away! I thought I'd haul out some goodies (albeit...
inching along
How was your weekend? I never left the house, literally from Friday afternoon until this morning. Ahhhh. I didn't spend the entire weekend...