I just launched a class that I’m very excited about: Begin Rug Braiding!  

rug braiding class

Braided wool rugs were a staple in the colonial style home I grew up in. I may not have appreciated them at the time, but I have a newfound admiration now that I’ve been creating them for my own home.

Traditionally made from old wool clothing or blankets, braided rugs, chair mats and other home decor have long-lasting beauty due to the remarkable qualities of wool.

rug braiding class sample mat

In this introductory class, I’ll teach you everything you need to know about rug braiding supplies and the techniques used to create a braided wool project from start to finish.  Through video and step-by-step photo tutorials, I demonstrate the basics for creating a 14″ round braided mat. You’ll learn how to straight braid, how to add increases to shape curves and how to lace the braids together. Finally, you’ll learn finishing techniques for a professional looking piece.

Check out the trailer for the class!

Sign up by May 1st to receive special Early Bird pricing! Now is your chance to learn the foundations of rug braiding for just $40! And if you need supplies, I’ve got a limited amount of Rug Braiding Bundles of vibrant melton wool in my shop, plus tools for the class!

You can read more about the class here. Please let me know if you have any questions!