Announcing my NEW online workshop: The Felted Birdhouse, August 16 – 27th
Join me this August for my newest online workshop! No matter where you live we can gather together in my virtual studio to make the sweetest felted wool birdhouse for yourself or any lover of cuteness. I鈥檒l be teaching and working with you along the way through a combination of blog posts, downloadable PDF鈥檚, and videos, where participants can communicate with each other and with me. The Felted Birdhouse pattern is not available in my books or anywhere else!

The Felted Birdhouse Workshop
Stitch a sweet little bird and birdhouse made of felted wool and embellish them with applique, embroidery, buttons and trims. Learn how to take a well-loved woolly sweater and transform it into something whimsical. A materials list will be provided, but feel free to use favorite fabrics, trims and doodads from your own stash to further personalize your one-of-a-kind creation. Hand sewing will be used and beginners are welcome.

The Details:
This 2-week workshop begins August 16 and runs through August 27. The cost of the workshop is $25. Once registered, participants will receive a password (via email) granting access to a special blog page created just for the workshop. In addition to the workshop blog, there will be a Flickr group where you can share photos of your finished projects, ask questions and take part in discussions. Feel free to take the course at your own pace on your own time! All workshop content will be available to participants through September 30, 2010.

Registration opens today! Visit my shop for more details and to sign up now!
I’m really excited about this and I hope you are too! If you have questions you’ll most likely find the answers in the workshop listing info. If you think of something else, please feel free to ask!