While my blog still wears its familiar face, click up there on “home” to visit my newly redesigned website!
My web-o-rific hubby has been working tirelessly to freshen things up a bit. You’ll find some new things like a PR page a FAQ page and some other cool features.
Change is good, but not always without pain. Bear with us while we work out a few little kinks that are bound to emerge with this launch. I wouldn’t mind some feedback regarding the design and how the site functions for you. Please let me know what browser you are using if you do…thanks! 🙂
It looks lovely and worked well for me using firefox! I can’t wait to check out your book.
it just looks awesome! (both) *thumbs up*
Love the new look, Betz! Love those rounded corners! It was very user friendly, too! I am using Maxthon browser! Have a great rest of the day!
It looks great! What a nice hubby! And he does great work too! He’s a keeper.
Love it – and how great to see the book, please tell us that we will be able to advance order. Very talented hubby – he married the right girl for sure.
it looks really really great and quite professional i might add:)
really lovely, I’m trying to do my website and I feel like if I was pregnant waiting the b-day!
Oohh, pretty redesign.
Going to explore the links tonight, thanks.
I love your work!
It’s absolutely delicious!!!
Your site looks friendly, professional, and inviting. You guys are a talented team!
Wow, he really is web-o-rific! The site is beautiful and works like a dream (I visited through firefox). I had no idea you made puses and books too, very lovely!
Betz, your site is fantastic — love those red glasses and high-heel shoes!