Here’s a last minute departure for New York. I worked on this little felty birdhouse all weekend for the upcoming show. I’m a little late sending it, but I think it was worth it. I really wanted to do something different than my usual cupcakes, etc. for this show. It is a departure, don’t you think?

It’s made mostly of recycled felted sweaters, of course, with some wool felt and print fabric details.

The little bird is needle felted. I got a few tips from the expert by watching her Martha performance.

Then I tried to get fancy with the photography using one of my favorite kids books as a background. The colors were perfect for it. Hmmm…not the best result. I think the house was too big for the book to really see it as a background. But speaking of books…

…and a very special arrival! As I was leaving for the post office to mail my little birdhouse, I found this waiting on my doorstep! An advance copy of my book! Wow. I tell ya, it’s hard to absorb. My name on a book!

I’m loving the cover. It was changed from the original version, which you still see on Amazon. I helped choose the font, which is a big deal for an author! Most photography and book design details are up to the book designer that works for the publisher. (At least in my scenario) It’s an interesting business, this publishing. I’m the author and the projects and writing are mine. But, obviously, sooo many other people with talents and expertise are involved in bringing a book to life. It can be a challenge for someone with control issues, like me! 🙂 All in all I am happy with the book and thankful for all of the people involved in it. I can’t wait to share it…just over a month to go!