Here’s a quick tutorial for a fun summer craft to keep you cool! Sponge balls are a great alternative to water balloons and they make a satisfying SPLAT when you hit your target! (This is not my original idea, I actually saw it somewhere a few years ago…maybe Martha?)

Materials: 4 regular sponges, scissors, dental floss…and a bucket of water!
Step 1: Cut sponge lengthwise into four equal strips. Repeat for second sponge.

Step 2: Stack sponge strips as shown, alternating colors. Place length of dental floss under stack.

Step 3: Tie floss around stack, drawing strips together into a pom-pom shape. Wrap tightly and knot.

Step 4: Fill a bucket with water and have fun!

The best thing about these is that, unlike water balloons, they are easy to “fill” and you’ll never run out! 🙂 One package of 4 sponges will make 2 sponge balls…unless an artist at your house gets a hold of one of them first…

As you can see, here we have Sponge Bob instead of a second Sponge Ball, thanks to my older son!

***edit: I found the source! I was right, good ol’ Martha!***