Ban the road-trip-sleepy-kid-head-bobble, that is! Is that painful to watch or what? Your booster seat aged kid finally takes a schnoozer during the family road trip only to bobble themselves into a case of whiplash. Well, I decided to take action against this conundrum once and for all.

Right before our big vacation car trip I was trying to come up with some kind of neck roll that was more substantial than the little C-shaped numbers you get on airplanes. I raided my outgrown kid clothing box and found a worn out pair of 4T sweats and they were just the ticket!

The resultant neck pillow is not pretty, but I must say it’s darn comfy! (By the way, this kid is totally faking it for photography. Um, yeah, he’s snoring, can you tell?) I’m usually pretty adamant that objects I recycle must look better than they did when they were about to be thrown out. But in this instance, I decided that not everything has to be pretty. I know. Shhh. Sometimes done is better than pretty especially when function is paramount. (Don’t tell Tim Gunn, I’ll never make it onto Project Runway!)

So, without further ado, I give you the not-so-pretty tutorial for repurposing your own kids pants into a handy dandy Road Trip Neck Pillow! Ta-Dah!

Click on the image to be sure you see all of the finely detailed chicken scratching. I spent a lot of time on this you know. 🙂 Hmm, be sure to turn your work right side out before stuffing, if I didn’t make that clear. You probably already knew that though, smarties.

By the way, this worked like a charm. My 8 year old didn’t even roll his eyes or balk at using it. When I pitched it to him, I just said, “Look at this comfy neck pillow I made for you to use in the car!” His response was, “PUFFY PANTS!!!!!” Which, strangely, made them more appealing. Go figure.