You readers whipped yourselves into a cupcake contest frenzy! Wow! I’ve never had so many comments. And you were so sweet about them, too. I wish you all could win!

But alas…the cold, practical Random Number Generator has made its choice! The winner is Julie of Pieceful Bits!. Yay, you! I will get your goodies right out to you first of next week! Congratulations!

Now listen here, you three-hundred-something non-winners, don’t you fret! Come back Monday for blog reader give-away #2! There will be a fresh new prize and a slight change in “rules”. I think I will limit comments to Monday and Tuesday only and announce the winner on Wednesday. This week long comment-a-thon was just too much for me! 🙂

Speaking of treats and goodies, did I ever tell you I am an expert at making pumpkin seeds? These are my “specialty” which is a sad statement about my culinary skills. 🙂

I love Halloween, carving pumpkins and absolutely everything about fall. Making Jack-o-lanterns and roasting up a nice batch of seed afterwards just can’t be beat! The key is to separate the seeds from most of the goo, but DO NOT wash the seeds. That’s where all of the good flavor is! Put the seeds in a large bowl, add a few tablespoons of melted butter and mix together. Spread the buttery seeds out on a baking sheet (with an edge) and roast in the oven at 280 degrees. Stir them around once every 15-20 mins until they are golden brown. It will take about an hour and a half, depending on how wet the seeds were, etc. I usually add salt when I give them a stir, but you can add it at the end, too. Turn out onto paper towels to “blot” and eat while warm! Yum!

Hope you have a warm yummy fall weekend and see you on Monday for give-away week #2!