It ain’t pretty, but it had to be done. With the help of my handy hub, I am re-doing my studio! Everything is pulled away from the walls for painting. You can barely see the color back in the corner on the left. Green of course, by the name of “seedling”. (less yellowy in real life)

I decided to show you it as a WIP since “during” always looks worse than “before“. Then someday when you see “after”, you’ll be oh so impressed. 🙂 If I manage to pull this off, it’ll be featured as a small vignette in a magazine this spring. Regardless, I will have a revamped crafty place to create in. I’ll give you a heads up when I know more.

Meanwhile, I am striving to finish the make-over and a few other deadlines so I can get on to some Valentine projects I have rolling around in my head for you!