I got distracted from my honey comb hat and scarf and knit a few other things instead.

These are the sweet little baby booties by Susan B Anderson I told you about. Super cinchy to make! I knit them out of soft soft alpaca and they are for a baby shower gift.

I love the blocky toes, so much like chubby baby feet. I added the felted I-cord for the bow. These are for a boy, but Susan shows little rosettes on hers for a baby girl.

And…here is my Shalom Cardi. I looooved this pattern when I found it on Ravelry. HAD to make it! I didn’t have the right yarn in my stash and new yarn is not in my budget…so I compromised and bought Lyon Brand Wool-ease. Made this for under $20! The original pattern only had one button but I wanted three. I also shortened the length a bit.

The jury is still out on the finished result. I’m feeling a liiiittle like the yoke portion is too long on me. If I re-do this (argh) I may shorten each section by a few rows. It’s looking a little too much like…I don’t know, an Egyptian Cleopatra collar? The original just looks…better. Not liking the 3 buttons now either! Gah!

Oh well. Regardless of my inability to bond with my new sweater, this was a blast to knit and it went quickly due to the nice thick yarn. I wouldn’t mind knitting this again. Kinda.

So, what do you do when your knitting goes awry? Rip it out and start over? Give it away?