Last blog post I shared some of my family’s April Fool’s traditions. I hope you had fun with them! As I was planning our Easter baskets today and remembered another silly tradition: The Easter Gorilla.
One year when I was a kid, my brother got a banana in his Easter basket. It was way down at the bottom, hidden under the grass! No self-respecting egg-toting Easter Bunny would’ve left a banana amidst the chocolate and jelly beans. The only logical reason for it’s appearance was that the Easter Gorilla had come. Apparently, getting a banana in your Easter Basket is akin to getting coal in your Christmas stocking, but a little more tongue in cheek. 🙂 In my experience, the mischief makers of the family pride themselves on getting the banana each year.
Staying with the banana theme for a minute, I’d like to share another treat from my past. I loved when my mom made me what I call a Banana Butterfly. It doesn’t look pretty (and I am no food photographer!) but boy is it yummy! You’ll need a banana, brown sugar, lemon juice and chopped walnuts. First, wash the banana then cut it lengthwise. Cut through the peel except for the back of the center of the banana. This leaves a sort of “hinge” and is the center of the butterfly.
Then take your knife and cut little bite-sized triangle sections through the banana but not through the peel. Sprinkle with brown sugar, lemon juice and chopped walnuts. It’s the perfect combination of flavors!
Now it can be eaten with a fork. Each little section comes right up off the peel. So good! I know a lot of kids don’t like nuts, but in my opinion they can’t be omitted. Try it, you’ll see!
So, if you find yourself the recipient of a gift from the Easter Gorilla, now you’ll know what to do with it! 🙂
Happy Easter! Happy Spring!
***edit: Just found out from my mom that the Easter Gorilla idea came from an Erma Bombeck article from years ago!***
That looks too YUMMY!!!!
how fun!
what a hoot!!! I am definately having a banana butterfly…I love all the flavors so it should be great! happy easter…..
I think my girls my have to sample a ‘nana butterfly very soon. Both monkeys and bananas are very popular around these parts. Thankyou for this lovely idea x
Ok, we’re going to try the butterfly!
But I have to tell you that when I first saw the title I thought the post was going to be about the “monkey on my back” of trying to get neat stuff for the easter baskets that isn’t just junk – junk food or junk plastic. I think it’s quite a challenge, but maybe that’s just me 😉
I hear ya! I hate all of the easter landfill cluttering up the store shelves, it’s worse than halloween! (maybe) There are plenty of ways to get around that and lots of fun DIY projects around the web.
love the butterfly banana and the story behind it. i especially love how the banana is cut in triangles, i have never seen that before, so pretty. also love the easter gorilla, this is new to me too.
thanks for sharing. happy easter.
The Easter Gorilla! We had the Easter Pig in our family which consisted of my father donning a pink costume that had the body of a pig (with a row of baby bottle nipples and a curly tail) and the head of a bunny. Now picture this pink bunny with a big beard, too. We used to get on his motorcycle and take treats to our friends and family.
I’m not even making that up.
The banana sounds so yummy and I can’t wait to try it.
Happy Easter!
I just picked up your Sewing Green book. I love it!
Well done,
That banana butterfly looks irresistable! I have to try it. I may even add a bit of melted chocolate…
It’s super:) hugs from Poland and Happy Easter!
I love the the look of the butterfly banana :). At first I thought it was heated… and perhaps that would be good heated too!
Isn’t the banana thing from grandma?It is one of my favorite comfort foods, along with banana slices in orange juice. Hmm I don’t remember walnuts on it. but I didn’t like them as a kid either. I’ll have to try it .
I thought yesterdays joke were the best I can’t wait to try the juice thing on my husband.When our youngest was about 4or5 he called her from work and said a plane carrying the circus elepphant was forced to land at the top of our hill.She dropped the phone and ran out in her pj’s searching for the elephants he said would be marching into town.He has been paying the price ever since.When I was first married Erma Bombeck was a great source of inspiration to me.
Yes! I asked my mom and she said it was from Grandma. Never tried the banana/OJ thing but I remember her making it for Grandpa. 🙂
yummy! that banana butterfly looks terrific. i think a few minutes under the broiler would be good too…make it like a creme brulee on top with the crunchy sugar and toasted walnuts. hmmm…we just bought bananss, sounds like breakfast tomorrow!
happy easter :o)
Such a creative blog!
Can you tell me the name of the fabric on your tablecloth?
Thank you!
Hi Jane!
It’s an Orla Kiely placemat from Target! 🙂
My mom made 2 things very similar: 1) a banana sliced in half lengthwise with a thin layer of Miracle Whip and covered with brown sugar–you could barely taste the Miracle Whip. 2) Chocolate covered, frozen bananas with crushed nuts. I need to go buy some more bananas now . . .
I think I didn’t tell you that I offered the ‘Easter gorilla banana’ to my son for breakfast on Easter Sunday. He just loved it!