How’s your new year so far? It always feels so good to put the lid on the old year and crack open a fresh new one, doesn’t it?

Last year at this time I took a moment to reflect on what-the-heck happened in the previous year. It’s like the year gains momentum as you go along and you end up speeding through the last few months and then WHOOSH! It’s over and you don’t know where it went. I particularly feel that way about 2010. And while listing out what I’ve accomplished feels a little self-indulgent, I do feel that looking back at where I’ve been definitely helps me to plan and dream about where to go next. (Both Anna Maria’s and Marisa’s post reminded me so!)

Ok, in 2010, in no particular order….

* I launched my own sewing pattern line, Make New or Make Do™, which now consists of 8 patterns! (I’ve yet to show you 2 of them)
* I attended the International Quilt Market (twice!) for the first time to promote my new sewing patterns
* I taught workshops in Virginia, Minnesota and Nebraska as well as 2 online workshops
* I did a huge revamp of my studio space for photography for an upcoming book feature
* We survived 2 February blizzards in a city that craters when there is more than a flurry of snow
* I’ve knitted up a storm (one as a result of the blizzards!)
* I’ve added a few new prints to my organic fabric collection (look for more in 2011!)
* For the 4th year running I participated in the Soho plush show “Luv-able and Hug-able” at gallery hanahou
* I decided that Facebook was not for me and deleted my account. (Why? Read Marisa’s post as we have the same feelings regarding FB)
* I offered 7 new free tutorials on my blog (will be updating the list in my sidebar shortly!)
* I’ve had a few nice magazine features, including Stitch and Make, and 2 book features: Sew Retro and Mini Quilts.
* I appeared (twice!) on the TV show Cultivating Life and the radio show FaveCrafts
* We’ve been camping a few times with the Cub Scouts and just as a family (my fave!).
* Myself, plus two other moms and a teacher, worked together to find a recycling solution for our elementary school’s poly-styrene tray problem. That’s about 4000 trays rescued from the county incinerator a week! (very proud of this)
* I opened a second etsy shop called “betz bitz” as a venue for selling off fabric and trims from my stash (more coming as I clean out the stash!)
* Hmmm, what am I forgetting?

Looks like 2010 has been a pretty good year. My little business is churning along and I am discovering more about what works and what doesn’t. There are things missing from the list that I had hoped to make happen, there were disappointments and there were bright spots. Now, as I look forward to the new year ahead, I am making lists, sketching sketches and dreaming dreams. 2011 is slowly coming into view.

I’ve read recently that instead of resolutions, some people choose a word to define their year. A touchstone or a mantra to remember as inspiration and guidance as the year unfolds. Something that reminds you how you want to “be” and not just what you want to “do”. Have you done that? What word did you choose?