…FIVE years ago! May 1st, 2006.
And it has been a crazy, amazing blur ever since! (it helps to keep a hula-hoop in your studio)
When I started my blog, I barely knew what blogs were. I already had a simple website that my husband had designed back in 2005 when I first started posting my work online in shops and doing craft fairs. One day I sent my sister-in-law some photos of the steps I took to make a shibori felted scarf (basically my first tutorial). She replied, “you should have a blog”. I started reading blogs like Wee Wonderfuls and Posie Gets Cozy then decided to give it a try.
It’s amazing to think about all the work that I have done and all the opportunities that have come my way since first starting my blog. Interest in my work, etsy sales, magazine features, book deals, Martha appearance, etc. I consider myself very fortunate and feel incredibly grateful. But I don’t completely subscribe to the phrase, “If you build it they will come.” I refer to it as working hard at being lucky. Sure some amazing opportunities have come my way but I don’t believe they would’ve if I hadn’t put myself out there and taken some risks. I don’t do everything right, I fail, sometimes I don’t get “picked for the team”, etc. I’ve felt my share of stings. And when I compare what I do now vs. my former corporate design job, I see that the highs are higher and the lows are lower. There’s no one to blame or to pat on the back but me.
Things have changed so much over the last five years in the blogosphere…although some things not so much. (I desperately want to do a blog make-over but I’ve been too busy with other things!) For example, I have resisted putting advertising on my blog. Compared to others, my blog may even look a little sparse without it. While I would absolutely benefit financially from advertising, I feel in my heart that it is not right for me (my friend Marisa I know feels similarly). I may change my mind about that someday, but for now I’d rather focus on growing my business vs. growing a sponsorship. (BTW, I do participate in the Amazon Affiliate program, however, and get a small % from book sales through my “bookshop” in the sidebar.)
While this is a fabulous community to be a part of, it’s easy to look at what others are doing and feel like we are substandard or that we should be doing things differently. I think it’s ok to compare and contrast, but I try to do so with a big fat grain of salt. Just like spying that fancy car in the parking lot. Sure, the owner of it is “lucky” to have it, but maybe she is horribly in debt, or maybe she stole it, or maybe she worked really hard and earned it. I heard a phrase once, “Don’t judge your inside based on somebody else’s outside.” I love that and need to remind myself of it on occasion. As much as we may get to know someone from their blog, there is a limit to that knowledge and it’s best to stay away from assumptions. There is room for everyone.
And you…my blog readers, my friends. What would the last 5 years have been without you? I would’ve never imagined the community of which we have become a part…together. I love the connections that have grown over time.
I started my blog and my business from the heart and for what I’ve given to the blog I have received back in friendship, community and support. What will the next 5 years bring? Will there even be blogs in 5 years? Who can say. But I hope that you’ll keep coming by, saying hi, entertaining me with your comments and sharing this space with me.
Thanks for an awesome 5 years!
Congratulations! On all of it. And thank you for sharing a little bit about you and your family along the way. Those human bits (especially the Lego pieces) are just as special as the crafting and designing.
Congratulations Betz! 5 years is an incredible milestone. 🙂 Your words are right on. I have always thought that the successes that are hard-won are the most fulfilling anyway. Hope you get to savor some of yours!
Congrats on five years of blogging! And I love the hula hooping pics 🙂
Happy 5th Anniversary to you Betz! You have had a major positive influence on the crafting world and beyond, and we owe you a debt of gratitude for putting yourself out there so early and so often! Paving the way, so to speak! It’s one of my favorite happy, creative places on the web! Keep on whirling and twirling girlie!
You make this community more fun!!!
Wow what a history! COngrats!
Congratulations!!! Your blog has been one of my biggest inspirations! And, going without the adverts is a wonderful idea — so much less clutter! Thanks for all the posts and wonderful ideas and beautiful photos.
Happy Birthday!
And thank-you for the comments about envy/jealousy/simply looking at others. It’s very appropriate with all that is going on with the quilty blogs these days.
Congratulations! 🙂
What a lovely recap of your first 5 years of blogging! I’m not sure when I started reading, probably the first year! Thank you! And pat yourself on the back from me 😉
I just reached 5 years of craft blogging, too! http://wewilsons.blogspot.com/2011/04/community.html
Congrats, Betz!
Congrats on 5 years blogging! I had a 5 year blog birthday a few weeks ago, it’s crazy isn’t it?
Congrats on five years and all you’ve accomplished! Thanks for your take on blogs, their recent history, and what having one has done for you–a good read! 🙂
A very happy blogiversary to you, Betz! Thanks for 5 awesome years!
Happy 5th Bloggiversary!!
Vivienne x
Congrats! Love your blog.
Great post Betz! I find that I am often disappointed by the lack of interests (or sales) that my blog inspires, and there are times when I feel like I should change it all up. But part of it is my place- to share with family and friends far away. To “show off” the things I am happy with (otherwise I’d be dragging in the mail man), to have a space to record the things that are important to me. I think you are right about luck being involved. There’s a whole lotta very talented people out there, and some of them are discovered. The same goes for authors/actors/musicians etc. So good on you, for putting yourself out there and having that luck (NOT TO MENTION HARD WORK!) pay off for you. I love watching what you make (your fabric is divine). Keep up the good work (and the hula hooping!)
Congratulations, Betz! Your honest reflections really hit the spot. May you have another five years full of beautiful, creative success! e
Congratulations! here’s to the next five 🙂
Congratulations! and thanks for sharing.
Long time reader – first time commenter, lol!
Yours was one of the first blogs I started reading (along with Wee Wonderfuls, Posey, and Angry Chicken), and I just want to say that all of you have given me so much inspiration over the years to learn new things and really do what I love. Thank you, thank you.
Who knows, maybe one day my blog might join the ranks of yours!
Happy Anniversary, and I like that you don’t include advertising!
I love your blog, it was one of the first ones I ever read. Your upbeat, beautiful posts and willingness to share with us, keeps me coming back. Happy Anniversary!
I enjoyed reading this post, because so often (no matter the subject) people say that it is all about hard work, and surely hard work is important, but it is just as important to be “lucky”, to be at the right place at the right time and to work hard on the right things.
I’m slightly embarrassed but I have to confess that this is my first visit here! Oh well…I’m here now and will return often! Congratulations on 5 years of blogging 🙂
Congratulations! I very much enjoy reading your blog. Here’s to another 5 years!
Happy Bloggiversary 🙂
Congrats to you, you’ve got a great blog and your work is really inspiring!
congrats on 5 years. I have been following your blog for several of them. I like how your blog is so down-to-Earth and it feels like we are really friends.
There are blogs and books like yours that have changed my creativity in a better way and i am grateful for it,thanks and a lot of wishes for your future plans and your life too!!Diana from Giulianova lido(ITALIA).
Congratulations and thank you for all your inspiration!
Happy Blog Birthday! % years is a big one!
Hi, I´ve been thinking of thanking you for your blog for a long time, and this time seemed the right one. I barely knew how to use a needle a couple years ago, I mean until I first read your blog. Yours was one of the first ones I read, but the first one I followed. You introduced me to a new hobby that I´ve been enjoying more than what I could have imagined, and during a period of time where I needed it most. I will always be grateful to you for that. Thank you so much for sharing and happy 5th aniversary!
You guys are the best! Thanks so much for all of your sweet comments. They mean the world to me!
Wise words dear Betz…and congratulations on being 5!!! Happy Blog Day to you!!
Hugs Gloria from sunny Queensland Australia
Congratulations Betz! You say that you don’t do everything right… but from where I’m standing you’ve done really well. Here’s to another 5!!
Betz, this is the craziest thing, but my blog turns a year old on May 5 and I’m currently working up a post about how it all began. I’m actually mentioning your blog because it led me to Posie Gets Cozy. You actually helped start my blog obsession. Happy Anniversary to your blog!!! Congratulations!
Dear Betz your blog was one of the firsts to be bookmarked in my craft section and after few years is still one of the few that I check regularly looking for inspiration or just enjoying its colourfulness. Congratulations!!!
Thanks for sharing! I am at the beginning of the curve, been blogging for about a year. It is good to honestly see and hear the other side of the story!
Congratulations! Wow, time really flies doesn’t it!
It seems that so many wonder why success seems to come to others, and maybe not so much to them. Or why the people next door have all those new things, but they don’t. It is always hard to know the whole story. Just being happy with who you are, and having the desire and drive to work hard to reach your goals, that will win out in the end.
I wish you much success in your future endeavors! Congratulations again!
As you said you started it from your heart , that’s the reason ur successful, best of luck for next 25 years.
Congrats Betz! I’ve been reading your blog for about 3 years and enjoy your books. I’m looking forward to more of your creativity 🙂