…FIVE years ago! May 1st, 2006.

And it has been a crazy, amazing blur ever since! (it helps to keep a hula-hoop in your studio)

When I started my blog, I barely knew what blogs were. I already had a simple website that my husband had designed back in 2005 when I first started posting my work online in shops and doing craft fairs. One day I sent my sister-in-law some photos of the steps I took to make a shibori felted scarf (basically my first tutorial). She replied, “you should have a blog”. I started reading blogs like Wee Wonderfuls and Posie Gets Cozy then decided to give it a try.

It’s amazing to think about all the work that I have done and all the opportunities that have come my way since first starting my blog. Interest in my work, etsy sales, magazine features, book deals, Martha appearance, etc. I consider myself very fortunate and feel incredibly grateful. But I don’t completely subscribe to the phrase, “If you build it they will come.” I refer to it as working hard at being lucky. Sure some amazing opportunities have come my way but I don’t believe they would’ve if I hadn’t put myself out there and taken some risks. I don’t do everything right, I fail, sometimes I don’t get “picked for the team”, etc. I’ve felt my share of stings. And when I compare what I do now vs. my former corporate design job, I see that the highs are higher and the lows are lower. There’s no one to blame or to pat on the back but me.

Things have changed so much over the last five years in the blogosphere…although some things not so much. (I desperately want to do a blog make-over but I’ve been too busy with other things!) For example, I have resisted putting advertising on my blog. Compared to others, my blog may even look a little sparse without it. While I would absolutely benefit financially from advertising, I feel in my heart that it is not right for me (my friend Marisa I know feels similarly). I may change my mind about that someday, but for now I’d rather focus on growing my business vs. growing a sponsorship. (BTW, I do participate in the Amazon Affiliate program, however, and get a small % from book sales through my “bookshop” in the sidebar.)

While this is a fabulous community to be a part of, it’s easy to look at what others are doing and feel like we are substandard or that we should be doing things differently. I think it’s ok to compare and contrast, but I try to do so with a big fat grain of salt. Just like spying that fancy car in the parking lot. Sure, the owner of it is “lucky” to have it, but maybe she is horribly in debt, or maybe she stole it, or maybe she worked really hard and earned it. I heard a phrase once, “Don’t judge your inside based on somebody else’s outside.” I love that and need to remind myself of it on occasion. As much as we may get to know someone from their blog, there is a limit to that knowledge and it’s best to stay away from assumptions. There is room for everyone.

And you…my blog readers, my friends. What would the last 5 years have been without you? I would’ve never imagined the community of which we have become a part…together. I love the connections that have grown over time.

I started my blog and my business from the heart and for what I’ve given to the blog I have received back in friendship, community and support. What will the next 5 years bring? Will there even be blogs in 5 years? Who can say. But I hope that you’ll keep coming by, saying hi, entertaining me with your comments and sharing this space with me.

Thanks for an awesome 5 years!