A few months ago when I first laid eyes on The Star Wars Craft Book by Bonnie Burton, I knew immediately that I would be buying it for my boys. Between our Halloween costumes and the gifts we make each other, it’s quite obvious that we are Star Wars fans that like to make stuff!

The first project we made was the General Grievous finger puppet with 4 detachable pipe cleaner light sabers. There are also instructions for making basic finger puppet shapes so you can create pretty much any character you want.*

Chewbacca Tissue Box Cover
(*Kit Fisto, puppet on left, is not in the book. My son created him using the basic finger puppet pattern)
The book has about 40 projects ranging from small items like puppets and stuffed toys to larger items for home decor, holiday and a few wearable accessories. Five of the projects are made by repurposing Star Wars T-shirts into new items such as a tote, pillow and throw.

One of the cutest projects in the book has to be this Cuddly Bantha. We’ll be making this little fella as soon as I get my hands on some fake fur. And that reminds me, with the exception of fake fur, most of the projects are made with commonly used craft materials, such as felt, pipe cleaners, newspaper, popsicle sticks, etc.

My guys LOVE this book! At ages 9 and 11, they are able to make some of the projects about 80% independently. This is not a book just for kids…I think crafty Star Wars fans of all ages will appreciate it. The projects are fun and focused on the pop-culture kitsch side of Star Wars. For more detailed info, visit starwars.com.
Next on my book list: Wookiee Cookies: A Star Wars Cook Book. Has anyone tried this? One little Jedi around here is learning to cook and I think this just might encourage him.
Are there any crafts that aren’t already available at starwars.com?
For example, the General Grievous finger puppet is here:
and the Cuddly Bantha is here:
Your house sounds just like ours. Thank you for sharing your opinion of this book, it is on our list of wants, along with the Wookie Cookie book. We just got the drawing Star Wars book (the exact name escapes me) and it looks wonderful. It is so exciting that there are so many different Star Wars craft/art books coming out!
It looks like the author has posted a few free promotional projects from the book. (It just so happens that they are the ones my kids like best!) As noted, the book has about 40 projects. I suggest taking a look at it at your local book store to see if the others interest you.
Thank you so much for this book recommendation – that is exactly right for my little jedi knight ;0)
Oh my gosh, my son and daughter would have LOVED this book!! They are in their 20’s now, but STILL have all their star wars toys and light sabers in their room?
We have the Wookie Cookie book and it’s a fun one and my boys love it. The Wookie Cookie recipe, by far, is the best recipe in the book! We make them often. The other recipes are hysterical to make. One downside is that its heavy on processed food, so wemdo a fair amount of substituting ingredients.
Can’t wait to check out the craft book!
So glad to know about this book!! My 7yo son thanks you.
The Wookiee Cookies and other recipes in the cooking book are GREAT!
From this book we have made the Ewok Flower vase (altered it a bit to be a cookie jar) lots of finger puppets and are currently making the At-AT Herb garden.
I had no idea these crafts existed, online or in a book. My son is almost four, and just on the cusp of loving all things Star Wars. Thanks!
I need to get that book. Looks like you guys love Star Wars as much as our family. Look what we make our daddy for Father’s Day:
Thanks for all the inspiration.
Hiya Betz,
Love to read about your adventures from time to time! Thought I’d give a double thumbs up for Wookie Cookies, as I own it! Lots of fun stuff to make for your little Jedis (mine is 38)!
Toodles, Nikkie Engel Keck