Or maybe I should ask, where am I?

After having just completed 2 huge projects, I’m in a bit of a post deadline fog. It’s like that feeling after final exams are over. Remember that? You studied, pulled all-nighters, ignored personal hygiene, ate lousy food and put off other tasks…and then there was the intensity of the actual final exams. And after? That weird floaty feeling. Like stepping off the treadmill and feeling like everything else around you is traveling at a different speed. Done. Over.

So that’s me right now. Both projects were labors of love. Both projects are in the hands of others, their fate yet to be known. There is no sure thing in my line of work. I never know what will be the star that rises high and what will never see the light of day.

Gosh, I’m metaphor-y today!

So here I am in mid-December. One kid birthday down, Christmas and another kid birthday to go before the year is out. Now is the time to step away from the making that I do for my career and turn to the making I do for my family and myself. There’s some knitting and sewing and baking for Christmas. There’s a pirate birthday party that needs planning. There are things to sit close to that are not computers, like fireplaces and family and hot chocolate and lots of yarn.

Tonight we are going to our monthly Cub Scout pack meeting where we’ll be packing breakfasts and lunches for the local homeless shelter. I’m looking forward to that. Looking outward, beyond ourselves and our day to day comforts and remembering that we are all in this world together.

Ahhh…it feels so good to slow down and reflect. I hope we all have a chance to do so this season.