2011 in review

Happy New Year!

It’s so refreshing to think of a new year as a clean slate. I’ve cleaned off my big dry erase board in my studio and I’m ready to start filling it up with hopes and dreams for the year ahead. But first, I like to look back and reflect on the previous year. What a year 2011 was! Much of it full of good things but it was not without disappointment.

I began 2011 by choosing the word “REACH” as my word of the year.  I can’t say that choosing a word particularly helped guide me. I did reach out in some ways, stretched my comfort zone and learned some new things. Some of those things worked out for me and some definitely did not.

2011 high lights in no particular order: I was featured in 2 books, I produced 5 new patterns for my Make New or Make Do™ sewing pattern collection, I filmed 2 online courses with Craftsy, I introduced my ModMax organic canvas collection in my etsy shop, I licensed Stitch, my first collection of organic quilting cottons, with Robert Kaufman, I attended Quilt Market twice and had my first booth in Houston, I taught at TCCE as well as a few other local workshops. Phew!

As much as I am thrilled and proud of my accomplishments for the year, it’s the efforts that crashed and burned that are left nagging at me. Maybe the negatives are still lingering with me because several of them happened right at the end of the year. I am hesitant to admit to “the duds” because I don’t want to sound ungrateful for all of the wonderful things that I did achieve this past year. But I make mention of them for a number of reasons. One is to try to shake them out of my head and hopefully send them on their way for good. (Brooding is so unbecoming!) Another is to point out that we all have failures and disappointments. Even when we work really hard and do all of the “right” things and pay our dues and make our deadlines…sometimes it just. doesn’t. happen. Optimism fades. Confidence is shaken. Pity parties are had. (several)

But there are always silver linings. Growth, learning, understanding. Hugs help. Family and friends that love you no matter what. Chocolate. Time off. Starting anew.

So, here I am with my blank dry erase board, full of possibilities. I’m going to find my boot straps (I know they are here somewhere!) give them a firm pulling-up, and get on with 2012! I’ve got a half written book proposal to finish and ideas for more print collections and sewing patterns. I’m hopeful to do more online and in person workshops and tutorials for the blog. And what else? If there’s something you’d like to see more of from me, I’d love to know.

So, Happy New Year to you and yours! Here’s to new beginnings and a fresh start. Thanks for being here with me. I wish you the best for 2012 and always!