In a new year it’s easy to get caught up in the should-do’s and the need-to-do’s…like organizing, planning, evaluating, etc. It is important to do those things and it feels good to analyze and get one’s ducks in a row. Balance your life. Calm the chaos.

But what about the want-to do’s? And the love-to do’s? Do they get bumped to the end of the long list of to-do’s, because we think of them as not reeaally necessary in the grand scheme of life/business/future plans?

Life is now, it’s precious and it’s short. I’m reminding myself to
Stitch more. Play more. Sketch more.
Do what I need to do. Do what I should do.
Do what I want to do. Do what I love to do.
In no particular order. For no particular reason.
Just for the love of it.

What do you want to do more of this year? Are you going to do more of what you love? Even in the busiest of days, if we do at least one small thing that brings us joy, wouldn’t that be amazing?