I have some exciting news to share with you today. I’m teaching online with Creativebug! I’m thrilled to be a new instructor with them and my debut class is now live on the site!

When I first laid eyes on the Creativebug website it was love at first sight. Everything they do is beautiful and top notch. They’ve got an amazing team of talented people that truly care about the crafting community and offering a quality product. This spring they visited my studio to shoot my instructor trailer then I flew to San Francisco for my workshop filming. You can see my trailer at Creativebug.com with all of the other instructors. It’s an honor to be included amongst them!

My first class is the Weekend Clutch. I love this little bag! It’s got a simple construction with a lot of style. Also it’s a great project for beginners to develop a few new skills, such as sewing smooth curves, creating depth with darts, and installing a grommet. If you are familiar with using a sewing machine you can make this!

Online classes are truly the way of the future! I love that I was able to design this project earlier this year and BAM! Here it is, just a few short months later, in class form ready to be watched and made at your convenience. (Ok, so “BAM” took a lot of hard work by a lot of talented people, but you get what I mean, right?) I hope you check out Creativebug and stay tuned for more classes launching soon!