About once a year, if I can find a helper, I dig into the closet of felt scraps. He and I sort through my years (years!) of collected and hoarded felted wool sweater scraps. You would not believe the selection of color, pattern and textures. He and I sit amidst the wool chatting and assembling and thinking about all of the wonderful things that can be made from this stuff!
For example, you could make brooches, garlands, or decorate a yarn wrapped wreath, above, with felt flowers. You can use my free felt flower brooch tutorial and attach them to a wreath with floral pins.
If you’re interested, I’ve got gallon sized bags stuffed full (about 9 oz each) in two color palettes: cool and warm. They’re ready in the shop!
They usually sell pretty fast. If my helper sticks around, I may be able to add a 3rd palette next week of natural/neutral colors. I’ll keep you posted!
***UPDATE!: My little worker bee did it! I’ve got a set of natural (creams/browns) felted wool scrap bags now in the shop as well!***