LOOK UP! Did you notice? I’ve got a brand new website design and I’m super excited about it! Can I have  Woot-Woot!?

Look Up! New Site!

The new design has been in work for quite some time and if you have ever tackled a site re-design in any manner you know it’s a lot of work! Well, we finally launched it last week and I’m over the moon about it! There’s still a few housekeeping details to follow up on and some tweaks to make here and there, but it feels like an amazing accomplishment.

Everything has been re-organized to make things easier for you to find. For starters, in the main navigation bar there’s eight years  (8 years,  people!) worth of tutorials that can be found under the How-to’s tab. My books and ones I recommend can be found under the Books tab. My entire collection of Make New or Make Do™ patterns and Wildlife with Love™ patterns are found under the Sewing Patterns tab. All of my fabric collections are displayed under the Fabric tab. And of course there are links to my Blog and Etsy shop. The blog has been reformatted to accommodate larger photographs plus tags and categories. I even have a brand spankin’ new betzwhite logo and tagline, how ’bout that? The whole thing is like a mini-history of everything I’ve done in my online life so far, all under one “roof”! So check it out, take it for a test drive and let me know what you think!

In celebration of this momentous occasion, I’m throwing a launch give-away, just for you! The winner of the give-away will win any 3 of my PDF patterns, your choice! To enter, comment on this post telling why you read my blog and what kinds of things you like reading about here most. Sewing tips and tutorials? Creative re-use ideas? Behind the scenes projects in work? Photos of me acting like a goof-ball? (oh please, no) Other stuff? Let me know, I’m ready to listen. The winner will be chosen randomly after the giveaway closes on Friday February 7th at 10pm EST. Be sure to leave your email address, link or another way I can contact you.

***Update February 8th: Comments now closed and winner is being notified. Thank you for your comments!***