You are going to love this ingenious trick Veronica used for this week’s Sewing Collective project! Dollar Store for the win! – Betz

Hi, everyone! It’s Veronica from sewVery here to share my twist on the little Coffee Cash Coin Pouch project.


The pattern and tutorial for the Coffee Cash Coin Pouch can be found in Betz’s book Present Perfect: 25 Gifts to Sew and Bestow and is not only a fun, quick sew, but a useful tool to store spare change in your purse or car for a future cup of Joe.


Present Perfect - Coffee Cash Coin Pouch


While you are making one for yourself, go ahead and make extras. Stick a coffee shop gift card inside and give as gifts to coffee-loving friends! They will love you for it!

The Coffee Cash Coin Pouch project is ideal for using up scraps of fabric, and the “band” part of the pouch provides the perfect opportunity for you to personalize your pouch. Since I don’t keep felt fabric on hand, I used a cotton print and frayed the top and bottom edges of the fabric to give it a fun finish for the band. If you have never frayed fabric, it’s very simple to do. I first sewed a line of stitching 1/4″ from the top and bottom edge of the band piece before I sewed it onto the main pouch. Next, begin pulling the horizontal threads out one row at a time until you almost reach the stitched line. Follow the pattern instructions to sew the band pieces into place on the pouch.



Since I could not find locally the flex coin purse frame the book recommended for the coin pouch closure, I bought a tape measure at the dollar store and cut two pieces of the tape to the desired length.



I inserted each piece of the metal tape into the casings for the flex frame and stitched the edges shut on my machine.



I then hand stitched the lining portions of the two casings together so the pouch opening could flex open when the ends are gently squeezed. The tape measure pieces provided a strong enough closure to prevent the coins from falling out when the pouch was inverted.



The Coffee Cash Coin Pouch makes a great gift. The shape is so whimsical and the pouch can be embellished in countless ways for a unique appeal. Use Indian Shisha embroidery as shown in the book instructions to attach a quarter to the front or sew on a simple button or embroider a monogram.



Now if I can only keep my kids from raiding my Coffee Cash Coin Pouch for quarters for those silly toy and candy machines, I can save up enough to go buy myself a cup of coffee and a pastry with a friend!

Be sure to grab your own copy of Betz White’s book Present Perfect: 25 Gifts to Sew and Bestow and start sewing your own Coffee Cash Coin Pouch today! When you finish that project, sit back, enjoy your coffee, and decide which of the other 24 projects you will work on next. For me, I think I’ll make a Pasha Pleated Clutch!



Until next time, have FUN sewing!


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This post is part of the Betz White Sewing Collective series. Content is written by compensated contributors expressing their own views and opinions.