Felted Magazine Cover


What a great surprise! When I was asked to contribute a project to this special felt edition of Spinning Daily Magazine, I had no idea I’d make the cover!


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I loved designing the Felted Hexie Tote, made from scraps of felted wool sweaters. Don’t let the hexagon shapes intimidate you, I’ve shared my process that makes it super easy and fun to put together. This technique would also make an amazing pillow!


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Aside from the project instructions, you can read a bit about how my crafty career got started in the Artist Profile on page 24.


spot-on scarf, betz white


Wait there’s more! Another great surprise was seeing my Spot On Scarf project in the same issue. Originally published in Stitch Magazine in 2009, it’s back in case you missed it first time around. It’s made with an upcycled cashmere sweater and one of my very first fabric designs.

If you want to get your hands on these projects plus a bunch projects using a range of other felting techniques, this issue is on newsstands starting today, August 4th! Also available online as a digital edition.