Join me in welcoming Marisa of Creative Thursday to the Cupcake Party 10 year blogiversary celebration!
Marisa and I met back in 2009 at the Squam Art Workshops and have been friends ever since (I mean, look at the shoes we were wearing when we met! We’re sole mates, amiright?) When I asked Marisa to be a guest today on my blog, she thought it was fitting to live stream her “post” since that’s how her blogging and social media has evolved over her 10 years of blogging.
To hear Marisa’s thought’s on what it’s like to blog for 10 years (plus a tip for finding the best cupcakes in LA) tune in on Facebook here.
You can find more from Marisa at her website, blog and Instagram
So happy we met Betz! Always loved that photo 😉 Congrats on all you’ve accomplished!! You’re always an inspiration xoxo