As you may have noticed lately, I’ve been working on offering you more online classes. While I’ve loved creating classes in the past with Bluprint (formerly known as Craftsy), Creativebug and CreativeLive, putting together my OWN classes on my own terms feels great! I create the content, from the project to the photography/video to the copywriting, etc. It’s my baby from beginning to end!
My latest baby might be familiar, the Patchwork Llama Pillow Mini-class! Originally offered as a PDF download (and still is, in my shop), it’s now available in “mini-class” form!
A mini-class is a single project broken down into bite sized lessons, demonstrated with step-by-step photography, hosted in a virtual classroom setting. I know many of you have asked for this! Everyone learns things differently and responds to content in different ways. If you like following along with photographs and written instructions detailing each step, this mini-class is right up your alley.
In this mini online class, I’ll teach you how to make this adorable Patchwork Llama pillow, step by step through photo tutorials. Choose from vintage scraps, 2 ½” wide pre-cut strips or mix your favorite quilting cottons with brightly colored wool solids. Accent your llama with extra details such as embroidered elements or yarn-y ear tassels.
To learn more about the Patchwork Llama Mini-class, visit the information page here.
The best part about creating classes myself is that I can cater to your needs and my own, without having to accommodate a third party’s needs/desires as well. Sure, partnering with a big company has it’s upsides (Marketing power! High production quality! Visibility!) but there are also downsides. Putting my efforts into a project where I get to control the outcome means I can be flexible. I can try different things to see what resonates with you and what doesn’t. The risk is all mine as is the potential reward.
Anyhoo, I kind of got on a mini-soapbox. 🙂 I hope you like the mini-class format! There will be more mini’s to come as well as full sized classes and who knows what else!