studio corner with floss tray
Since we’ve moved I’ve been playing with different ways to organize and display things in my studio space. For years I’ve had an old wooden typesetters tray hanging on my wall full of little doodads. I decided that I want everything in my studio to be white, except for my newly painted smoke blue walls. So 2 cans of white spray paint later, I have a white tray!


typesetter tray with floss

This time I opted to hang it vertically next to my work table. I love how my colorful floss from Sue Spargo, Wonderfil Specialty Threads and Aurifil Thread looks in the little cubbies!  Of course I also have some extra space for my little doodads. How do you store your floss?

By the way, I’m currently working on a new embroidery pattern and plan on using some of this gorgeous floss. So stay tuned! And be sure to sign up for my email list to be in the know!