This is my favorite fabric from my Goodwill Outlet aquisition. You might recognize it as the backdrop from a former post.
I did a little hand embroidery on top of a few of the flowers. (click on the image to see it larger) I used DMC pearl cotton thread to embroider pink petals and some green on the stems. I used silk embroidery ribbon for a few “lazy-daisy” stitches following the small yellow flowers.
I sewed up the pillow using a fern green cashmere sweater for the pillow back and accented the edge with pink ball-fringe. I’m loving the pink and green, it feels so springy! And the ball fringe…I can never get enough of that.
Adorable! I just participated in a pink and green swap, and made a purse out of recycled sweaters. It’s hard to find pink ones, don’t you think?
i love love love that fabric! it looks wonderful made up as a pillow.
looks great 🙂
I just found a Goodwill Outlet near where I live! I was scared to go, but you have given me the courage. I’ll just have to leave the babes with Dad.
Love this cushion, your embroidery really made the difference, and the ball fringe is wonderful! Happy that there’s a lot of recycling happening here.
mmmm the fabric on your site is glorious! i wonder, how long do you spend creating each day?
it’s just gorgeous!! the embroidery is the perfest touch!!
Oh gosh that cushion is soooooo gorgeous! Mary
Oh man, that pillow is great! To me it looks like something straight out of Anthropology. LUV it!
BTW – I finally started a blog and you were a must link! Hope you don’t mind 🙂
I have *absolutely* GOT to get some of your gorgeous cupcakes!! I LOVE them!