
Upcycling Cashmere Sweaters

Upcycling Cashmere Sweaters

This weekend I was decluttering my studio closet and came upon my stash of cashmere sweaters. I’ve been collecting (hoarding) them...

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Wise Craft: the book!

I've been reading Blair Stocker's blog, Wise Craft Handmade pretty much since I started reading blogs back in 2006. Although we've never...

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Thursday’s Thrift Find

Thursday’s Thrift Find

We have been busting our you-know-whats getting ready for quilt market in (gulp) 2 weeks! My new patterns (5 out of 6!) are proofed and at...

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Mad Cap: Project Upcycle

Mad Cap: Project Upcycle

from a thrifted woolens to a swanky chapeau! If you've been following along on my Craftsy blog tour you have got to stop by and visit Lil...

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thrift scores

thrift scores

Coming home from the thrift store with a bag full of bargains makes me so happy! Here is my favorite find from yesterday. A little...

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The colorful result of my thrift store visit:a stack of wool sweaters, ready to felt a bowlful of sorbet cashmere sweaters and that bowl a...

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all over the place

all over the place

Wow the week is whizzing by, Thursday already? I don't have a whole lot to show for it, either. Lots of loose-end wrapping-up. That time...

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wanted: summer top

wanted: summer top

Now that Memorial Day has kicked off summertime, I am feeling the need for some new summer tops. (I'll apologize in advance for the...

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Went to a few yard sales over the has become an annual family hobby, we all love it. It's funny how other people's stuff can...

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good craft karma

good craft karma

Last night I received an unexpected gift. My friend told me she had 2 boxes of wool for me to look through before it got tossed. Her...

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spring pillow

spring pillow

This is my favorite fabric from my Goodwill Outlet aquisition. You might recognize it as the backdrop from a former post. I did a little...

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by the pound

by the pound

So, what are all these pretty fabrics you ask? These are my scores from my trip last month to the Goodwill Outlet in Minneapolis. It is a...

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Greetings! I'm back from vacation. Check out what was waiting upon my return...The lovely Mims of Greenjewls sent me a box of felty...

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My Stash

My Stash

This may be a little early in our blog relationship to reveal something like this....but what the heck. Observe the stash. OK, well, this...

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