Coming home from the thrift store with a bag full of bargains makes me so happy! Here is my favorite find from yesterday. A little sunny-side-up crocheted afghan for my studio couch:

Price tag: $1.99. It’s got one little hole I need to repair, but otherwise it is clean and lovely!

Other finds that brightened my day:

  • 3 pairs of cargo pants for those boys of mine with sprouting long legs. Each pair was like new and under $4 each!
  • 2 pairs of kid long underwear, snow pants, and gloves
  • 4 simple milk glass bowls, less than 50 cents a pc
  • wool and cashmere sweaters to felt and sew with
  • 2 large linen garments to cut and sew with
  • 4 vintage pillowcases for all kinds of crafting

Best of all, I shopped with a friend and had lunch together afterward to celebrate our success! (She has 2 girls, and I have 2 boys, so we almost never fight over finds!)

What simple things make you happy?