We have been busting our you-know-whats getting ready for quilt market in (gulp) 2 weeks! My new patterns (5 out of 6!) are proofed and at the printer. My booth construction is well under way (thank you, Honey!). My bag and other samples are almost done (you can never sew enough of them). The business cards are printed and my promo post cards will be ready next week. The To Do list is still long but it might actually all come together in time. Yay!

To treat myself with a small break, I spent a good part of the day at the thrift store yesterday with a friend. We always have such a good time. The store is immense and overwhelming but the 2 of us have our routine down. Afterward we grab lunch before heading home. The best part is show and tell!

I came across this pair of chairs that I think are so cool! They are sturdy wood chairs that fold up…just what we needed for the booth! Ok, so they are in really rough shape and are a little heavy, but I love them! Plus with my special discount VIP card (ahem) they only set me back $7.50 a piece! So, guess what just got added to the To Do list? Yup, I’ll be scrubbing, sanding, painting and recovering these beauties in the next 2 weeks. And believe it or not, they look great with that old table I bought 4 years ago! Slowly but surely it’ll all come together.

Hopefully this *before* pic will actually have an *after* pic to share with you soon!