
Adventures in Dyeing

Adventures in Dyeing

Over the past few months, I've been experimenting with some backyard fabric dyeing (results above!). No real agenda, just Googling and...

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2018 Reflections

2018 Reflections

Happy New Year! I don't know about you but I love the clean slate of January! I'm not big on making resolutions but I do enjoy taking...

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Llama Llove

Llama Llove

This month my new print collection, Juxtaposey, is shipping to stores! One of the prominent motifs in my prints is the llama. What is it...

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day dreams

day dreams

I read this quote today somewhere online. I loved it and I wanted to share it with you! An inspirational and encouraging twist on an old...

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Passion and persistence

Passion and persistence

  My younger son is passionate kid. When he gets a vision for a project, he is driven to see it through. If you’ve been a regular...

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MC and HNY!

MC and HNY!

All the best to you for a warm and cozy holiday season! I hope your days are merry and bright and full of family and friends. I'll be...

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leaf turning

leaf turning

This morning the weather was beautiful. I went for a long walk and came across these gorgeous pink azaleas. What a color! I'm making a...

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take a moment

take a moment

Oh look, things are starting to POP! Spring is coming with new beginnings. It doesn't care about grocery bills or the Bailout, a slow...

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Let's see... three days away, two of them will be traveling. What to wear. Something comfy, but nice. Got my knitting. Long flight, need...

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my refashioned life

my refashioned life

Today I am looking back one year. Today is not a birthday, or even an anniversary...not exactly. Last year at this time I left the boys...

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looking for normal

looking for normal

Well, my dear bloggy friends, May 1st has come and gone. May 1st was my big fat manuscript deadline for book #2. I wish I could say how...

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i’m it

i’m it

I have been "tagged" a few times recently and feel that is my blogful duty to participate in the trivial, yet ever-popular "7 Random...

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little ol’ me

little ol’ me

It's my birthday and I'll post what I want to!...not that I ever post stuff here that I don't want to, things are just a little random...

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just for fun

just for fun

Ok, I'm not really into the "meme" thing (in fact, I don't even really know what that means...) but i think I might be starting one. This...

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:: perspective ::

:: perspective ::

Trying to keep it together here after an emotionally weird few weeks. Nothing over-the-top, or too much to handle, but weird enough to...

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wrapping up

wrapping up

As I wrap up an amazing and surprising (and uprooting!) 2007, here's a quick reminder that the cyber book launch cupcake give-away ends at...

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