Today we will be pretty much finishing off the bag. The main parts, all done by the end of today’s sewalong! wahoo! Who is ready to SEW?!
Ok, so lets start with those zipper tabs. I hope you didn’t lose your squares by this stage in the game! So fold in half and then open and fold the edges into the half mark. Iron well.
Now put the zipper tabs over your outer zipper and sew along the edge. Your zipper length including tabs should be about 10 inches at this step.
Now place your zipper with the pull side down to the right side of the outer bag back. You should have and need at least 3/8 inch space on each edge. Baste the zipper in place
Now get the back lining and place it face down over the zipper and back bag exterior. Pin and sew in place along the outer edge.
Fold the lining down and pull the zipper out as seen below, press and top stitch nice and close along the edge (yes both your lining and outer will be top-stitched along the zipper edge)
Now you repeat the process with the other side. Zipper is pull side down to right side of bag exterior and basted in place
place the lining piece right side down and sew along the outer edge.
place lining and outer flat together and top-stitch along the zipper edge. You should have a bag that looks like this now :
Now open up the bag and fold it so lining is facing lining and exterior facing exterior. Take your time to make sure seams align along the bottom panels and the center. OPEN THE ZIPPER (at least half way)
Sew all around! leaving a 4″ gap in the center of the lining bottom.
Now you are going to mark out squares on your corners. Measure 3/4 inch on each corner and then cut out the square
Fold the corners flat. Align the seams and your top edge should be straight for you to sew along
Next we birth the bag! (turn it all the right side out!)
Close that 4″ gap. A nice and tidy ladder stitch will be flawless finish. Or if you want you can do the cheater method which is stitch right along that edge 1/8inch I did the cheater method… not as tidy, but this is a personal use bag and I wanted a tight stitch so no kid crumbs would get inside…
And that is all for today! Tomorrow we do the finishing touches!
The Seneca Creek Sew-Along
- Schedule and prizes
- Supplies list
- Day 1: choosing fabric
- Day 2: getting the pieces cut
- Day 3: making the pocket
- Day 4: sew the flap and buckle
- Day 5: sew the back panel
- Day 5: sew zippered lining pocket
I love how the final steps come together.